Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing

Current Class Update

**New Drop In Class Starting 8th September 2021**

Wednesdays 10-11am 

Scarth Hall, Staindrop, DL2 3LD

£7 per class

To Book Contact:

Claire Tellegen


07875 086291

Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW)

What is TMW?

Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing is a sequence of movements specifically designed to  promote physical and emotional health and well-being. Unlike traditional Tai Chi which can take up to a year to learn just one sequence, TMW is a distillation of Tai Chi and Chi Kung. It is a simplifird sequence which, whilst drawing upon these disciplines, can be learnt over a course of 6 to 8 weeks.

How does TMW work?

The essence of TMW is healthy movement. It might be helpful to think of TMW as moving meditation.  Whilst for many of us, sitting and meditating for a period of time can be a struggle, meditating through movement  can feel like less of a challenge and therefore more enjoyable.

TMW uses gestures to enable the body to influence the mind rather than trying to work on changing the mind first. In daily life, we may become tense, anxious or feel low. Our bodies often reflect these emotions in the form of discomfort such as shoulder pain, jaw tightness, shallow breathing and headaches.

Rather than starting with the mind and telling ourselves that we 'shouldn't' feel this way, TMW begins with the body.

Through balanced, carefully devised and graceful, flowing movements, TMW uses breath work and physical postures to begin to reflect back to the mind a more relaxed, positive and in control outlook on life. Focusing on the movements of the sequence can allow you to become more present and as you learn to do this, you can become more relaxed and in tune with yourself and the world around you. 

Eventually, the mind can begin to follow suit!

What are the benefits of TMW?

Everyone is different and so each person responds to therapies and classes in their own unique way.

Benefits may include:

  • less stress
  • relief from anxiety
  • calmness
  • improved attention and concentration
  • increased relaxation
  • improved posture
  • improved balance
  • increased flexibility
  • increased circulation
  • physical/emotional well-being
  • hand/eye co-ordination
  • self-care and self-healing
What happens during a session?

Each class builds upon the next, explaining sections of the sequence in short, manageable segments. You will learn not only the physical gestures but also the meanings behind them and the underlying principles which can bring about positive mental and physical change.

How long does a class last?

Each class is one hour long.

Some classes will be 'drop-in' and others run as short-courses (6-8 weeks) that will be booked in full in advance.

Where did TMW Originate?

The sequence was developed by Richard Farmer, an internationally renowned Tai Chi master who has been involved in Tai Chi for over 35 years. Richard Farmer co-developed the sequence with Dr David Quinn, former Head of Health Psychology at Hereford NHS.

Is TMW suitable for me?

TMW is a ery gentle form of excercise which can be adapted for specific individual circumstances. It can be beneficial for those of all ages and can be practised either sitting, standing or as a combination of both.

If you're in need of something to support you in life but short on time, the sequence can be practised in full in as little as 10 minutes a day.

TMW encourages you to explore areas of your life which need attention through the sequence. In this way, you can focus on strengthening areas of your life through movement and breath in your own time to help you live life rather than simply survive it.

Who we Support
At Relax and Rebalance we support a number of different local activities and good causes. 
Some recent events can be found here.
Contact Us
Relax & Rebalance 
Bowbank House, Bowbank, Barnard Castle, DL12 0NT
Tel: 07875 086291
Email: hello@relaxandrebalance.co.uk
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